Monday, February 2, 2009

Advertising can be expensive if you focus on only one pay per click, so it is essential to focus on multiple advertising channels to achieve a manageable CPA.Advertising may cost money but it allows you to drive traffic fast and test things with more agility. Here are a few channels that you can use to advertise your site:Media Advertising:There are a few other ways to drive traffic to a site through advertising. You should always test different advertising channels to find out which one provides you with the best quality leads. media advertising is another method of reaching out to prospects. CPM deals can be expensive but depending on who you choose to work with, you may be able to struck attractive display deals.Video Advertising: Not only you can choose to advertise on video networks, you can also build your own video commercials and distribute them on various sites. Whichever way you go, the video market is a great way to reach out to your prospects.