It's always nice to finish a Project, even if it's a mini Project 😉 This unit of Mounted Knights rounds off my little 28mm Crusades Kingdom of Jerusalem Project and I'm looking forward to getting the mass of light blue and white together for a team J shot in a week or two when my King Baldwin command stand is done.
A unit of 12 Fireforge Games Mounted Knights, these are the Templar Cavalry Box Set which is more fitting to the 3rd Crusade / Outremer era I'm looking at, only 6 of the horses have carparisons which saves a bit of painting !
I've said this before but I love the look of motion you can get with these Fireforge figures you get a real impression of a charging unit, I'm biased but I love the top photograph it looks like the unit is charging towards you, time to drop sticks and run !
The shields are decals from a Company called Battle Flag and they do a really good range specifically for the Fireforge figures, they do most sets in two versions, a clean set and a battle worn set, I've used the latter.
I've used lowered Lances on the front rank and upright lance on the rear, this has allowed me to further brighten up the unit with 2 Kingdom of Jerusalem flags from Flags of War.
It's even worth looking at the back of the unit, which is after all the view I will get the most when commanding them on the table. I've used decals on the cloaks of the Knights, some are plain but others have been done with a half blue half white paint job to give some individuality.
Each Carparison has been done in a different pattern with decals on the front and rear, each blended into the surrounding paint work. It was a bit of a labour of love this unit at times and took quite a bit of effort to get them done, but the results were worth it.
The above shows the different cloaks and Carparisons off nicely.
A close up shows the detail on the figures.
Next up, in fact already painted are a unit of WW1 Turkish Cavalry and a post of them should appear towards the end of the week. I'm currently working on some Crusades command stands before I move onto some WW1 Arab Cavalry. See you soon.
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