Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quit Smoking Support - What Works For Real?

You can use quit smoking pills like Zyban or Chantix. You could use a nicotine replacement patch like Nicoderm CQ. Or you could use a nasal spray. Oh I forgot you can chew the gum like Nicotrol too. The point is that all around you are aids and supports that are meant to assist you in quitting smoking. Will these quit smoking support products do it all for me? Of course not. Not pill, patch, gum or nasal inhaler can supply the type and power of will power that you will need in order to face your smoking demons. You don't NEED a single one of them unless YOU believe that you do. That is the sad thing about this. You grow to rely on other things and not upon yourself. If you'll just try the quit smoking support products you'll be pleasantly surprised that they work. The reason is that many of the technical firms like Hewlett Packard outsource their technical support to other countries.