Monday, September 28, 2020

Domain Authority 50 for your website - Guaranteed Service

We`ll get your website to have Domain Authority 50 or we`ll refund you every

for only 150 usd, you`ll have DA50 for your website, guaranteed

Order it today:

Alex Peters

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Spirit Of The North Review (NSW)

Written by Patrick Orquia

Title: Spirit of the North
Developer: Infuse Studio
Publisher: Merge Games
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Number of Players: 1
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: May 07, 2020
Price: $24.99

Spirit of the North is an adventure game where you play as a red fox following the titular Spirt of the North in a big adventure that will have you solving puzzles in order for you to traverse a land and solve its mysteries. It has beautiful visuals in its backdrop and overall aesthetics and has a hauntingly relaxing musical score. The game has been released on other platforms already and this port on Switch is not the best-looking and not smoothest in terms of performance, as expected, but it still is a worthwhile game to play.

The game doesn't use any form of voiced narration; the storytelling presented mostly in symbols and hints in the environment. The game is also very linear, but with the lack of signposting, could be a bit confusing and will make you get lost, but you will surely find your way again if you know where to look at and what to look for. The game is divided into 8 chapters, and each of them can be selected on the main menu and replayed once you have completed them.

At the start of the game, you meet the Spirit of the North which encourages you to go through a journey across the land that is probably inspired by some old Scandinavian country with its glaciers and mountains and rivers with a few broken down stone fortresses scattered throughout. Your goal is to reach a faraway mountain top that emits a red fume that slowly poisons the land. You start on a wide open snow field and soon transition to other types of environment, like caverns, grasslands, rivers, etc. On the way to the mountain, you will have to solve area puzzles for you to be able to progress from one area to the next. You can run and jump and bark, and as you progress further into the game, you get to acquire new abilities, like ability to carry and transfer light, rid certain areas of corruption, ability to conjure ice spirits, dash, and ride the wind. The light transferring mechanic is the main ability that you will learn early in the game. You carry and transfer light to pillars, murals, switches, and doors that comprise the area puzzles. The chapter gets completed when you have solved all the puzzles within it, and you transition to the next chapter right away. 

The main gameplay is very similar to that of the Zelda games but with a big caveat: there is no combat in the game. Despite that, solving the puzzles can be quite fun and could be a bit challenging at times, especially in the latter chapters. The puzzles are not too difficult to figure out in general, despite the lack instructions and narration. You just have to be very observant of your environment and let your deductive reasoning skills work overtime. Aside from the puzzles, you can also try to unite staffs found on your journey with their dead shaman owners scattered across the land, most of them hidden. There are 28 in total, and you get unlockable skins for the fox. The skins are purely cosmetic, but this is the only collectible in the game and it could give you a respite from the puzzles, since they can get really tricky due to the lack of handholding in the game.

Overall, Spirit of the North is a beautiful game, with its breath-taking visuals and hauntingly beautiful musical score. I felt happy and relaxed upon finishing the game. I didn't really get what the story is about, but I guess it is the journey and not the destination that matters. This game is quite an experience for me, and it is easy to recommend to others. Well, maybe wait for a sale, as it is quite expensive for its length (the game can be completed in about 5 hours) and this version on Switch has quite a few technical issues here and there and is not as good-looking as the versions on other platforms. But regardless of how you get it and where you play it on, I hope that you have a wonderful time playing the game like I did. Let the fox in you roam free!


  • Beautiful, sublime visuals
  • Hauntingly relaxing musical score
  • Challenging puzzles
  • Short in length but well-paced
  • Unusual yet engaging storytelling
  • Button prompts are presented to assist the player in interacting with the environment

  • Frequent pop-ins
  • Frequent frame rate drops
  • Quite expensive for its length
  • Floaty controls
  • The animation look rough at times (at least on the Switch version)
  • Frustrating platforming sections
  • Wide open spaces are wasted since the game is very linear

RATING: 3.5/5 Foxes in ice and fire

Monday, September 21, 2020

Well, Hello There.....

Those of you that have been around from the pre-Kickstarter days remember a time where I was very open in my communications, where my interactions were FAR more timely and personal.

Involving other companies in that flow complicated things on my end quite a bit. I had a few very heated conversations over various issues concerning what could or should be said. For right or wrong, this changed my way of interfacing with all of you, and IMO, not for the better. But such is the reality of having partners… You need to keep that relationship working and healthy, and there are times you will not agree, and times where you cannot discuss what you would like to with your customers. No this is not turning into a 'tell all story' I am simply saying that I miss the days where I felt as if I were part of the community and that I could just let information flow and get feedback from all of you on a kit or a direction or a specific item.

I think it fair to say that WGF and I are not doing much business together, the agreement we had ended when I took distribution over, this changed the responsibility's and payment scheme. We worked out a verbal understanding of how much I would send them for each sale after expenses and we have had very little contact since the transfer, it did not end badly, just faded into me sending commission payments and not much ell's. I will simply leave it at this; I am and will forever be grateful for the opportunity Wai Kee and WGF provided me, having the opportunity to have 30 plastic kits produced was an amazing, frightening and monumental experience. 

Having changed the nature of that relationship allowed me a little more latitude, but still being in the supply chain, I know that, and public statements may have repercussions for my retail and distribution partners… I cannot tease a kit or ask for feedback if I am not planning of following closely with a release. It would not be irresponsible of me to set them up for questions or expectations when they did not have the answers.

I removed myself from distribution at the end of last year and spend the last couple of months mulling over the next steps. (I will go into that more in the next posts)
All the concerns listed above have pushed me further away than I would have liked and help establish a very poor habit of being tight lipped. Hopefully with this message I can start to break the habit I have developed and get closer to the more open flow of ideas and feedback that I and I am sure, you miss.

I will simply say, all excuses or reasoning aside, I am sorry for not being as transparent as I would like or as communicative as you deserve.

I will be posting much more to my blog as I used to and frequenting old haunts like DAKKA for a more open exchange.

To close this message, I will simply say again, that I apologize for not being here, talking with all of you and hope that if you are still interested, that you comment or follow along as I attempt to return to some facsimile of what I was when I started this creative journey.

Friday, September 18, 2020

1500 google maps citations cheap

Rank the google maps top 5 for your money keywords, guaranteed

Str8 Creative

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Yig Snake Granddaddy Act I: Land Out Of Time, RPG Adventure Review

The notice you read was for adventurers to travel with a wizard to search for the Golden Tower. You heard rumors of the place and being on that expedition would not only be a grand adventure, but could set you up for a long lasting career as an adventurer. There is just a matter of the job interview, which is to take place in the fighting pit at the town of Ventissa.


Yig Snake Granddaddy is a campaign set in Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos designed for play with the 5E open license. Sandy Petersen's name is known for board and role-playing games associated with the Cthulhu mythos. This campaign is an excellent addition to the works that have come before. I am reviewing from a PDF file. The adventure is written by Sandy Petersen and Jonah Bomgars and was released earlier this year (2020) by Petersen Games.

Yig Snake Granddaddy Act I: Land out of Time takes a part of the mythology of H.P. Lovecraft as it was depicted for the earlier times of our world and brings it to a tabletop for fantasy roleplaying. To get the full effect of this adventure has to offer, I recommend you use Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos setting (here is a link to the review of the rulebook). But, it isn't a requirement. These adventures can be played within an existing game world without additional work. There will be some feel built from the setting that is lost from the game without some of the additions like the use of dread and sanity or the expanded information for the setting.

Act I: Land out of Time is the first of a series of four books for the greater campaign of Yig Snake Granddaddy. The characters start as first level characters looking to become adventurers. By the end of the series, the party has advanced to 15th level.

Land out of Time takes the party from new adventures to level 5 at the end. Here is the synopsis from the book.

"The campaign begins with a contest in which would-be adventurers compete for a spot on an expedition into a dangerous wilderness. They soon discover that creatures from prehistory are being pulled into the present, with disastrous consequences. As the PCs help the expedition find a path through the wilderness, they must face natural hazards and combat giant crocodiles, carnivorous slime molds, and even dinosaurs! After traversing half the continent, they are betrayed by their expedition leader, Gehir, a serpent folk in disguise who has far grander plans than he let on."

The book is 92 pages and provides what a game master needs for their group to complete the first part of the grander campaign. The first half of the book is the adventures and the second half is information of NPCs, new magic, and new monsters.

There are four adventures. At the end of each chapter, the party has earned enough experience to advance to the next level. The party's advancement gets them ready for the next adventure and the continuation of the campaign when this chapter is completed. This adventures flow smoothly one to the next. With each new section, the tension of the story builds to provide some fun gaming sessions. The horror builds in controlled bites and can be played up nicely for everyone with minor adjustments to fit the desires of the group playing.

The information in the second half of the book is easy to use. There is also artwork for presenting at the table. Some of the creatures will be familiar to older gamers because they were present in earlier editions of the DnD game books (i.e., Gibbering Mouther). They are updated to fit the latest edition and very applicable for this storyline. A number of the encountered creatures, like the dinosaurs, can easily be used in other settings and future campaigns.

I would like to share the art from the files I am working from—but that isn't possible. Fans of Cthulhu art and previous works from Petersen Games will find this comparable and there are details to look for that aren't immediately obvious that provide another level of enjoyment.


I'm a fan and writer of horror. I have a complete collection of Lovecraft's works and have some horror short stories published. The development of Yig, Father of Snakes, in this work is impressive (which, I'll, admit, I expected and hoped for). I'm pleased to tell you that if you want a good introduction to the mythos of Cthulhu for your gaming group, this is an adventure you need to have for your gaming group.


Never did you think that being adventurer would entail what you've had to do since you left the town of Ventissa. The darkness of it all weighs heavy on your and your companion's spirits. Your prayers come to you more frequently as you work to keep the darker thoughts at bay. But still, this is truly a quest that must be seen through till its end. Some might say it is because the fate of the world hangs in the balance. For you there is something greater, your soul.


I'm working at keeping my material free of subscription charges by supplementing costs by being an Amazon Associate and having advertising appear. I earn a fee when people make purchases of qualified products from Amazon when they enter the site from a link on Guild Master Gaming and when people click on an ad. If you do either, thank you.

If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to

I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).


The 5Th Anniversary, Oceanhorn 2 And A New Website

We know, we know – there hasn't been a blog update in a long time, but we're making up for it! Today marks the 5th anniversary of Oceanhorn first launch on iOS, the perfect occasion for a few things. First of all, we'd like to say 'thank you' to our incredible community – over the years and for each platform release we've seen an incredible amount of passion and support for the world we created. We wouldn't be here without you, and we'll always keep that in mind.

Solve the mysteries of the ancient Arcadians in Oceanhorn 2

It's also an excellent time to talk about Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm. The game is coming along great, and we're confident it will be worth the wait! We are targeting 2019 for the announced iOS release. Over the next few months we'll have updates on various aspects of the game, but for now, you can feast your eyes on the brand new Oceanhorn website we are launching today. It features never-before-seen screenshots and info about Oceanhorn 2, with more to come. If you'd like to cover the game in one of your channels, head to the Press page and download our Press Kit.

Oh, one last thing: we're also setting up an Oceanhorn newsletter, where we plan to send updates on the game before they become public and celebrate the fifth anniversary this whole year in one way or another. If you want to be the first to know what we are up to, make sure you sign up on homepage!

Until next time!

Oceanhorn 5th Anniversary label! Let's celebrate the whole year!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Domain Authority 50 for your website - Guaranteed Service

We`ll get your website to have Domain Authority 50 or we`ll refund you every

for only 150 usd, you`ll have DA50 for your website, guaranteed

Order it today:

Alex Peters

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Kingdom Of Jerusalem - Mounted Knights

It's always nice to finish a Project, even if it's a mini Project 😉 This unit of Mounted Knights rounds off my little 28mm Crusades Kingdom of Jerusalem Project and I'm looking forward to getting the mass of light blue and white together for a team J shot in a week or two when my King Baldwin command stand is done.

A unit of 12 Fireforge Games Mounted Knights, these are the Templar Cavalry Box Set which is more fitting to the 3rd Crusade / Outremer era I'm looking at, only 6 of the horses have carparisons which saves a bit of painting !

I've said this before but I love the look of motion you can get with these Fireforge figures you get a real impression of a charging unit, I'm biased but I love the top photograph it looks like the unit is charging towards you, time to drop sticks and run !

The shields are decals from a Company called Battle Flag and they do a really good range specifically for the Fireforge figures, they do most sets in two versions, a clean set and a battle worn set, I've used the latter.

I've used lowered Lances on the front rank and upright lance on the rear, this has allowed me to further brighten up the unit with 2 Kingdom of Jerusalem flags from Flags of War.

It's even worth looking at the back of the unit, which is after all the view I will get the most when commanding them on the table. I've used decals on the cloaks of the Knights, some are plain but others have been done with a half blue half white paint job to give some individuality.

Each Carparison has been done in a different pattern with decals on the front and rear, each blended into the surrounding paint work. It was a bit of a labour of love this unit at times and took quite a bit of effort to get them done, but the results were worth it.

The above shows the different cloaks and Carparisons off nicely.

A close up shows the detail on the figures.

Next up, in fact already painted are a unit of WW1 Turkish Cavalry and a post of them should appear towards the end of the week. I'm currently working on some Crusades command stands before I move onto some WW1 Arab Cavalry. See you soon.